Rippletex (Smooth or Ripple White Textured Acrylic Wall Coating Water Base)

From R109.53 Exl VAT



Textured Wall Coating


RippleTex has been formulated using specialised raw materials to achieve a tough durable, flexible coating with smooth rounded peaks and low dirt retention. RippleTex has been designed to cover plaster imperfections, with excellent flexibility, adhesion, water and UV resistance (see SABS Test Report).


  • RippleTex is non-yellowing, odourless, non-toxic and enviro-friendly.
  • For use on interior or exterior walls.
  • Available in a wide range of colours.
  • Gives 3 different finishes depending on the type of roller and dilution rate used.


  • Feature walls
  • Hiding bad blaster imperfections
  • Obtain a ripple texture for aesthetic reasons
  • Combatting hairline cracks


New Plaster

  1. Remove all loose friable material.
  2. Apply 1 coat of Paintcor’s AcrySeal Acrylic Sealer diluted 1:1 with water to all new plaster. Allow to dry.
  3. Apply 1 or 2 coats of Paintcor’s RippleTex, using:
    • Sponge Roller for a rounded ripple finish.
    • Apply diluted with water and a sheepskin roller to give a semi-textured finish. (see note)

Previously Painted Plaster

  1. Check adhesion of existing paint. (Cross hatch method) Using a Stanley knife, cut through the paint surface to the substrate vertically and horizontally approximately 3mm apart, creating little squares. If the edges of the squares curl up, and the square can easily be removed, this means the adhesion of the old paint system is failing.

If adhesion is poor:

  1. Remove all old paint back to existing plaster.
  2. If surface is powdery (chalking), wash to remove all powder. Allow to dry.
  3. Apply 1 coat of Paintcor’s AcrySeal Acrylic Sealer diluted 1:1 with water to all exposed plaster and washed chalking surfaces. Allow to dry.
  4. Apply 1 or 2 coats of Paintcor’s RippleTex, using:
    • Sponge Roller for a rounded ripple finish.
    • Apply diluted with water and a sheepskin roller to give a semi-textured finish. (please see note)

If adhesion is good:

  1. Wash walls to remove all dirt and dust. Allow to dry.
  2. Apply RippleTex as per no 4 above (please see note)

Note: RippleTex is supplied ready for use with a sponge (Ripple) Roller. The ripple effect can be adjusted from a slightly pointed finish to a rounded finish by addition of small quantities of water (½ – 1 cup water / 20 litre). Should a semi-textured finish be required, add ± 1 litre of water per 20 litres of RippleTex and apply with a normal sheepskin roller.

Applying RippleTex with a ripple roller requires professional painters with knowledge of applying textured finishes. Incorrectly applied RippleTex will give a poor, uneven finish. Please contact our Technical Department for training on application of textured coatings. Avoid applying RippleTex in Direct sunlight or when ambient temperatures are 30°C or above.


  • Work Quickly.
  • Keep a wet edge at all times.
  • Work corner to corner, do not stop in the middle of the wall.
  • Use scaffolding on double story walls with two applicators meeting each other’s wet edge.


Apply by Brush or Ripple Textured Sponge Roller.


Clean all equipment with water immediately after use.


Keep stored in cool, dry conditions and away from children.

Weight N/A
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