Patching and Skimming / Waterproofing
FlashPatch is a flexible waterproof resin-bound crack filler for exterior use.
? Excellent flexibility, durability and water resistance.
? It can be used on masonry, wood, steel and has many other uses such as repairing damaged
window putty. Replacing damaged tiles, waterproofing grouting, repairing ridging, etc.
? FlashPatch Exterior is odourless, non-toxic and enviro-friendly.
? Filling exterior cracks.
? Repairing roof ridging.
? Replacing damaged window putty.
1. Clean damaged area removing all loose friable material.
2. Kill and remove any algae in the crack or damaged area (if any) with Paintcor?s Ushevu (see
Data Sheet for use).
3. Apply 1 coat of Paintcor?s AcrySeal diluted 1:1 with water to all areas of the crack and allow
4. Fill the void with Paintcor?s FlashPatch.
5. Using a clean, wet sponge, smooth product while still wet. Avoiding sanding if possible,
6. FlashPatch Exterior gets very hard once dry and will block the sandpaper.
7. If damaged area is more than 5mm deep, repair damage with sand, Paintcor?s AcryLatex and
cement or multiple coats of Paintcor?s FlashPatch. Allow to dry hard between coats. (See
AcryLatex DA for crack repairs)
Skimming, New Exterior Plaster
1. Ensure the plastered wall has been floated straight and has cured.
2. Seal the new plaster with Paintcor?s AcrySeal, diluted 1:1 with water. Allow 45 minutes @
25?C to dry.
3. Dilute FlashPatch Exterior with approximately 10% water (to achieve a workable consistency for
4. Apply a liberal coat of Paintcor?s diluted FlashPatch to the surface with the edge of a steel
trowel, allowing the product to fill in all imperfections.
5. Scrape any excess FlashPatch off your steel trowel onto a square trowel, then, using a firm
and consistent motion, skim the excess FlashPatch off the surface with the steel trowel, leaving a
thin, semi-transparent skim coat behind. Scrape off the excess FlashPatch Exterior from the steel
trowel onto the square trowel and repeat the process. This will result in a durable, smooth grey
white surface after drying. Allow up to 45 minutes at 25 degrees to dry before over coating.
6. Sand any ridges or imperfections to a smooth finish. Remove sanding dust.
7. Paintcor?s FlashPatch Exterior requires no priming before painting. Apply two top coats of
your choice. Allow to dry in between coats.
Plaster trowel or Scraper/Putty Knife
Clean all equipment with water immediately after use.
Keep stored in cool, dry conditions and away from children.