Wall Coating
Essence has been designed using the latest dispersion technology to achieve a low VOC (enviro-friendly), mild sheen interior and exterior product based on a pure acrylic. Using V-sperse technology, we are able to produce a high-quality product at reasonable pricing, achieving value for money not easily equalled.
- Good water resistance
- Good UV resistance
- Good flexibility
- Good stain resistance
- Almost zero roller spatter on application
- Excellent value for money
- Available in all colours
- Carries a 7-year guarantee
- Interior and Exterior walls
- Baby nurseries (close to zero VOC)
- Wendy House / Wood
New Plaster
- Remove all loose friable material.
- If plaster is porous and / or under bound, apply 1 coat of Paintcor’s AcrySeal Acrylic Sealer diluted 1:1 with water. Allow to dry.
- If plaster is of good quality, then apply 1 coat of PlasterPrime. Allow to dry.
- It may be necessary to use Paintcor’s AcrylUnder or SubTex to correct plaster imperfections after sealing or priming.
- Finally apply 2 coats of Essence. Allow ± 45 minutes to dry @25°C between coats.
Previously Painted Plaster
- Check adhesion of existing paint. (Cross hatch adhesion test). Using a Stanley Knife, cut through the paint surface to the substrate vertically and horizontally approximately 3mm apart, creating little squares. If the edges of the squares curl up, and the square can easily be removed, this means the adhesion of the old paint system is failing. If the paint system is failing, remove all old paint back to existing plaster.
- Apply 1 coat of Paintcor’s AcrySeal Acrylic Sealer to all exposed plaster. Allow to dry.
- Apply 1 coat AcrylUnder to all exposed sealed plaster. Allow to dry.
- Finally apply 2 coats of Essence. Allow ± 45 minutes to dry @25°C between coats.
If the paint system is in good condition, i.e. no peeling paint, wash walls to remove all dirt and dust. Allow to dry. Apply 2 coats of Essence. Allow to dry between coats.
New Gypsum Plaster
- Wipe new gypsum plaster down to remove any dirt or dust. Ensure plaster is dry.
- Make sure that the gypsum plaster has been properly applied and has cured hard with no more dust on the surface, then apply 1 coat of Paintcor’s Plaster Prime OR should the Gypsum plaster have cured to a soft chalky surface (when wiping, white powder is continually released) then seal with 1 coat of Paintcor’s RhinoSeal. Allow about an 1 hour to dry @ 25 degrees C.
- Finally apply 2 coats of Paintcor’s Essence Pure Acrylic to the colour of your choice. Allow to dry between coats.
Note: It is not necessary to use PlasterPrime if RhinoSeal has been applied.
New Wood
- Sand Wood to a clean, smooth finish. Remove sanding dust.
- Prime Wood with 1 coat of Paintcor’s UniSub Universal Undercoat. Allow 1 hour @25°C to dry.
- Finally apply 2 coats of Essence Pure Acrylic. Allow ± 45 minutes to dry @25°C between coats.
Apply by Brush, Sheepskin/Synthetic Roller or Spray
Clean all equipment with water immediately after use.
Keep stored in cool, dry conditions and away from children
Please note that colours will vary from print and screen to application.
For an accurate colour you can collect a sample at your nearest paintcor branch.