Trim Paint / Wood paint / Wall coating
EnduraCoat is an ultra-tough, top quality, non-drip polyurethane enamel used to protect and decorate walls, doors, cupboards, window frames, wood, etc. EnduraCoat is recommended for interior use but can be used effectively outdoors.
- Gel structure: non drip during application with extremely good hiding power and flow.
- Product dries to a semi-gloss silky finish, can be washed easily.
- High resistance to stain, steam, water and mar.
- Due to the products’ high build qualities (film thickness), no undercoat is necessary over primed metal surfaces.
- EnduraCoat has a 7-year guarantee when used indoors.
- Steel Balustrades
- Kitchens
- Bathrooms
- Doors, door frames and window frames
- Home furniture
- Counter Tops
Mild steel, new
- Using Paintcor’s GrimeReaper, degrease the steel.
- Shot blast the steel according to SA2.5 specifications in order to remove mill scale and other contaminants.
- Apply 2 coats of Paintcor’s EnviroPrime or 1 coat of Paintcor’s AllPrime Plus. Allow sufficient time to dry between coats.
- Paintcor’s EnduraCoat can be applied directly over the primer or over Paintcor’s UniSub Universal Undercoat. Allow sufficient time to dry in between coats.
Mild steel, previously painted in Enamel
- Remove any loose, peeling paint.
- Sand down existing Enamel to a clean, matt finish. Remove sanding dust.
- Exposed metal must be sanded to a clean, bright finish. Remove any sanding dust.
- Spot-prime exposed metal with two coats of Paintcor’s EnviroPrime or 1 coat of Paintcor’s AllPrime Plus. Allow sufficient time to dry in between coats and 12 hours before over coating with EnduraCoat.
- Apply one or two coats of Paintcor’s EnduraCoat. Allow 6 hours @25 degrees c to dry between coats.
New Wood
- 1. Ensure that the wood is clean and dry.
- 2. Seal knots in the wood with a suitable knot sealer if necessary.
- 3. Apply one or two coats of Paintcor’s EnduraCoat.
Previously painted Wood
- 1. Remove all loose, peeling paint.
- 2. Sand down existing enamel to a clean matt finish. Remove sanding dust.
- 3. Prime the exposed wood only with 1 coat of Paintcor’s UniSub Universal Undercoat. Allow sufficient time to dry.
- 4. Finally, apply one or two coats of Paintcor’s EnduraCoat. Allow 6 hours at 25 degrees C to dry between coats.
New Plaster
- 1. Apply one coat of Paintcor’s PlasterPrime to good quality plaster. Allow to dry. If the plaster is poor and under bound then apply 1 coat of Paintcor’s AcrySeal acrylic sealer Diluted 1:1 with water to the plaster, allow to dry then apply 1 coat of Paintcor’s AcrylUnder to the sealed plaster and allow to dry.
- 2. Finally apply one or two coats of Paintcor’s EnduraCoat. Allow 6 hours @ 25 degrees C to dry between coats
Previously painted Plaster
- 1. Remove all loose, peeling paint.
- 2. Wash the surface down to remove any dirt, dust or chalking paint. Allow sufficient time to dry.
- 3. Sand down existing enamel to a clean, matt finish.
- 4. Remove any sanding dust.
- 5. Spot-prime exposed plaster only with once coat of Paintcor’s PlasterPrime. Allow sufficient time to dry.
- 6. Apply 1 or 2 coats of Paintcor’s EnduraCoat. Allow to dry between coats.
Spray application
- For spray application, please contact the factory’s technical department.
- DO NOT thin or stir for brush or roller application.
- DO NOT apply to a surface below 5°C.
- DO NOT apply more than 100um (microns) per coat wet film.
- Should mixing be necessary, then allow product to stand for 15 – 20 minutes for the gel structure to re-develop before brush or roller application.
Apply Paintcor’s EnduraCoat with a Brush, Sponge or Mohair Roller or Spray
Clean all equipment with Turpentine immediately after use.
Keep stored in cool, dry conditions and away from children. Flammable product, keep away from open flame.