Cement Enhancer / Waterproofing and Damp Proofing / Patching Compound.
AcryLatex is a modified acrylic latex product, specially formulated for incorporation into cement compounds. It is used to wet sand and cement mixtures instead of water for waterproofing, damp proofing, and improving the flexibility, adhesion and durability of plaster.
AcryLatex can also be used to repair large areas of damaged cementitious surfaces, e.g. repairing floor screeds and walls. As well as areas where very thin plaster films are required (feather-edging). AcryLatex can be used in the repair or construction of fishponds and in plaster below damp proof course (stops rising damp in plaster).
AcryLatex imparts the following properties to the mixture:
- It makes the dry product water-resistant.
- The cement becomes flexible.
- Allows you to patch damaged floors or walls at depths of 1mm and greater.
- Improves both the strength and long-term durability of cement and diminishes dusting.
- Improves resistance to certain chemicals.
- Damp Proofing
- Waterproofing
- Patching repairs
Mixing procedure for mortars or concretes containing AcryLatex is similar to that used for conventional compositions, gauging water being partly or completely replaced by AcryLatex. The quantity of AcryLatex will depend on the application and is normally between 9 and 18 litres per 50 kg of cement. The higher level of latex addition is used for thin screeds where maximum performance is required; levels lower or higher than those quoted may be used in special circumstances. The colour of latex-modified compositions may be a little darker than that of ordinary compositions; if this is undesirable it can be simply remedied by including a proportion of white cement.
- Remove all loose, friable and crumbling plaster back to brick from ground level to D.P.C. (Damp Proof Course).
- Seal exposed brick with 1 coat of Paintcor PlasterBond. Allow to dry as per the plaster bond data sheet.
- Mix AcryLatex with high-quality Portland cement in a 2-part cement: 1-part AcryLatex ratio by volume. Add small amounts of Latex to the cement to make a thick, lump-free paste, then add the balance of the Latex and mix well. (The slurry).
- Brush the slurry onto the sealed, prepared brick, ensuring that all brush strokes end in the same direction, e.g. vertically. Allow ± 1 hour to dry. Now brush a second coat of slurry onto the surface at right angles to the first coat, e.g. horizontally. Allow these sealing coats a minimum of 48 hours to dry.
- Now apply a tack coat consisting of 3 parts cement and 1 part AcryLatex (by volume) by brush to the surface.
- Apply new waterproofing plaster to the tack coat before the tack coat dries.
- Plaster Sand/river Sand: 150kg
- Ordinary Portland Cement: 50kg
- AcryLatex: 15 Litres
- Water: As required for consistency
- The amount of AcryLatex required in the plaster composition depends upon the degree of water resistance required and the conditions prevailing. Where high hydrostatic pressure is anticipated, the level of AcryLatex should be increased to levels where no water is required in the composition of the mortar (Plaster).
- Applications of AcryLatex-modified water-resistant plaster mortars should be restricted to no more than 10mm per coat. Greater thickness may tend to sag or even fall off. Several coats may however be applied in fairly rapid successions. The time required between coats will vary according to conditions, but the reaction time for the mortar is typically 15 to 20 minutes.
- Remove all loose, friable or crumbling plaster back to brick or a sound surface (walls).
- Remove any loose or damaged concrete flooring (floors).
- Apply 1 coat of Paintcor RhinoSeal or PlasterBond to all areas of the floor to be relayed or walls to be re-plastered. Allow ± 1 hour min @ 25°C to dry.
- Prime all sealed areas with AcryLatex slurry prepared and apply in the following manner:
Primer (Bitumen surfaces, walls and floors)
The primer is prepared by mixing two-part Portland cement with one-part AcryLatex. The slurry is then brushed onto the required surface, ensuring that all the brush strokes end in the same direction e.g. Vertical. Apply a second slurry coat at right angles to the first coat e.g. Horizontal. Allow half to one hour of drying time between applications. The plaster or screed mortars must be applied whilst the final priming coat is still sticky. Mortars can be laid to any thickness, down to a featheredge if necessary, using the below formulation.
However, a sufficiently fine grade of sand should be used and no ultra-fine clay-line materials must be present in the sand.
General-purpose wall plasters and floor screeds
- Plaster Sand/river Sand: 150kg
- Ordinary Portland Cement: 50kg
- AcryLatex: 10 Litres
- Water: As required for consistency
Prepare as per the surface preparation above.
Concrete and heavy-duty flooring.
It is recommended that all existing floors be re-laid, and prepared as described in surface preparation above, followed by priming as described in priming/sealing above, before application of the new flooring, mixed to the below formulation.
- River Sand: 150kg
- Crushed Granite Stone: 150kg
- Ordinary Portland Cement: 100kg
- AcryLatex 20 litres
- Water: As required for consistency
Block Brush
Clean all equipment with water immediately after use.
Keep stored in cool, dry conditions and away from children.